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Blond Student

We'll always give 1%.  If you give, we'll give more.


How does it work?

Whether you give or not, ProfVal will donate at least 1% of our profits to charity.  If you give, we'll give more.


Give a little, get a little...


*We gauge ProfVal, LLC's success along two core dimensions: i) our ability to deliver high-quality services, and ii) our social impact. Our Give2Get campaign helps us to ensure that our giving focuses on educational causes aligned with the local, national, and international communities that we and our clients represent.


Matching donations are for Expert Opinion Letters (EOL)s only.

Teacher and Young Student

​Why Does ProfVal Focus on Education?


"beyond all other devices of human origin, [education] is a great equalizer of the conditions of men -- the balance wheel of the social machinery."


~ Horace Mann, pioneering American educator, 1848


In the U.S. and internationally, disparities in education contribute to unequal opportunities along lines of race, gender, income, and other socioeconomic factors. 


We focus on education in the following areas:


  • Childhood education, particularly through lower income communities

  • Socially responsible business education

  • Education of international students at U.S. colleges and universities




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